
2022年夏 贵阳合气道讲习会 Aikido Seminar in Guiyang

Stefan Sklenka四段是我的启蒙老师20227月末为合气道贵州的学生们带来了为期2天的讲习会。感谢Stefan老师和北京的同学不辞辛劳远道而来,我相信每个人从中都获益良多。不仅关乎技术,更包括坚持不懈、追求卓越的精神。世间一切不断流变,全力以赴才能把握人与人的联结。

We are very happy to have Stefan Sensei here Keiko with us for 2 days! Guiyang members get a lot from him more than Aikido techniques. It's our second year learning Aikido in Guiyang, Guizhou Province of China. Let's do it better next time and enjoy seminar with more friends!